CropKing is a supplier of quality hydroponic growing supplies and equipment. But more than just supplying the best equipment for growing, it is important to educate both new growers and potential growers about the industry that they are venturing into. A good understanding of what is involved in the growing process, as well as the options that are available gives a potential customer the ability to make smart decisions.
What Information is Covered in the Grower Workshop?
An introduction to greenhouse and hydroponic systems and plants as well as the cropping practices that take place in these systems are the main topics of CropKing’s workshop. Several types of soilless culture are covered with the primary focus on the Perlite and Rockwool systems for vine crops and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) for leaf crops.
The crops discussed include lettuce, herbs, cucumber, and tomato with tomatoes and lettuce used as the model crops for vine and leafy crop production.
The Workshop consists of two days, lunch included, that integrate classroom instruction and demonstrations as well as time spent in a hydroponic greenhouse. The small group size in each Workshop allows ample time for questions and personal attention from the instructors, especially in the time spent in the greenhouse.
Each student receives a workbook. The workbook includes a full slide set of all material covered at the workshop as well as additional information. Included are sections on greenhouse structures and environmental control systems, plant biology and anatomy, basic hydroponic systems as well as information of source water quality and nutrient solution formulation. This workbook is designed to be useful at the workshop as well as a reference guide for future use.
Workshop Location
Our grower-site workshops are scheduled frequently and held in close proximity to existing grower operations throughout the USA.
Oct. 9-10 in Madras, OR
Nov. 6-7 in N.Charleston, SC
Dec. 3-4 in Lodi, OH (CropKing Headquarters)
For more information log onto
Or call 330-302-4203