Author: urbanagnews

Urban Ag News proud to feature Dr. Chieri Kubota’s class on Greenhouse Plant Physiology and Technology. Dr. Kubota was a professor at the University of Arizona and has moved to The Ohio State University this summer. Week 9-1: GH environment 1 This is the final week! For this week, we will have two lectures understanding greenhouse as a whole system and the mechanism of interactions between plants, micro climate, greenhouse system, and outside environment. All the lecture contents now come together into describing and understanding this complex system.

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National Organic Standards Board Rejects Recommendation to Remove Container, Hydroponic and Aquaponic Production Methods from Eligibility for USDA Organic Certification. The members of the NOSB voted on Wednesday by a margin of 8 to 7 to reject the proposals to make Hydroponic and Aquaponic production methods prohibited practices under the USDA organic standards. In addition, the NOSB rejected the proposal by a vote of 8 to 7 to create prescriptive nitrogen ratio requirements and to limit delivery of nutrients through irrigation systems in other container production systems. The proposed definition of hydroponics was any system in a container (roots of…

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Kimbal Musk, co-founder of The Kitchen restaurants and The Kitchen Community, a non-profit organization that has established nearly 300 school Learning Gardens, is working to spread his philosophy of the power of good food and good drink to connect people as family, friends and community. While Elon Musk has made a name for himself in moving people as co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors, and founder and CEO of SpaceX, his younger brother Kimbal is more focused on the Earth and the food it produces. Kimbal co-founded The Kitchen restaurants to serve food and drink from local farmers,…

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Urban Ag News proud to feature Dr. Chieri Kubota’s class on Greenhouse Plant Physiology and Technology. Dr. Kubota was a professor at the University of Arizona and has moved to The Ohio State University this summer. Week 8-3: Sink Source 2 For this week, my lecture starts with some basics of plant physiology, water relation and sink-source relationship. These lectures include topics of understanding tomato fruit disorder and fruit flavor using the understanding of water relation.

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GLASE, the Greenhouse Lighting and Systems Engineering Consortium, is a partnership among growers, plant physiologists and horticulturists, trade groups, produce buyers, agriculture engineers, lighting manufacturers, government agencies, and others to pioneer and commercialize breakthrough technologies that deliver greenhouse crop and energy solutions. Established in 2017 by Cornell University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Center for Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (LESA) at Rensselaer, GLASE unites world-class engineers and horticultural researchers with private and public stakeholders to transform the way greenhouses operate, dramatically reducing their energy use…

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November 13 at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York To advance crop development in controlled systems that will support economic viability, the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) is hosting a convening event to determine the state of science and, most importantly, the areas where FFAR can catalyze research efforts to advance crop development for controlled environments. Attendees will explore areas of research where joint public and private sector efforts will advance the field. FFAR believes that through increased investments from both the private and public sector, we can help put controlled environment agriculture…

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Originally published in Issue 13, April 2016 To meet the increasing demand for clean, safe produce in both the U.S. and China, Green Sense Farms looks to open additional vertical farming operations along with a training facility to create job-ready graduates to grow in controlled environments. Robert Colangelo, founding farmer and CEO at Green Sense Farms, in Portage, Ind., knows what it takes to be successful in emerging markets. “I have been very fortuitous in my career,” Colangelo said. “I have been at the forefront of three emerging markets. In the 1990s I operated one of the first companies in…

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Urban Ag News proud to feature Dr. Chieri Kubota’s class on Greenhouse Plant Physiology and Technology. Dr. Kubota was a professor at the University of Arizona and has moved to The Ohio State University this summer. Week 8-2: Sink Source 1 For this week, my lecture starts with some basics of plant physiology, water relation and sink-source relationship. These lectures include topics of understanding tomato fruit disorder and fruit flavor using the understanding of water relation.

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Join the 600 growers who have successfully graduated from Greenhouse Training Online courses offered by the University of Florida IFAS Extension (UF) in our newest course. This advanced course is designed for experienced growers or technical managers in the US and other countries. The course is offered in English and Spanish. Develop the skills to accurately estimate production cost and profit for your business. The course runs for 4 weeks, from October 30 to December 1, 2017. It costs $US 499 per participant, and includes a personalized certificate of completion. This course is limited to 50 participants. Each week there…

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Time is running out to register for the Aquaponics Association 2017 Conference “Putting Down Roots” taking place in Portland, Oregon on November 3. They have now released the full schedule, download it here. The Aquaponics Association 2017 Conference, Putting Down Roots, is about growing more of our food with aquaponics. We will become the backbone of local food economies with efficient systems that can be placed anywhere, grow year-round, create jobs, save resources, and make us healthier. The conference will help YOU put down roots in your community with aquaponics. Guests will be able to: Participate in moderated discussions and…

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Originally published in Issue 12 Proper HVAC Maintenance Delivers Savings and Reliability By John Zimmerman Learn what preventive maintenance should be done on a controlled environment agriculture heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and what it can cost you if it’s not. In Urban Ag News Issue 11, I introduced Jeffrey Orkin, CEO at Greener Roots Farm, a hydroponic controlled environment agriculture operation in Nashville, Tenn. I was monitoring the power consumption of Greener Roots Farm’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system as part of a case study, when one of the compressors in the system failed. Because I…

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Urban Ag News proud to feature Dr. Chieri Kubota’s class on Greenhouse Plant Physiology and Technology. Dr. Kubota was a professor at the University of Arizona and has moved to The Ohio State University this summer. Week 8-1: Water relation For this week, my lecture starts with some basics of plant physiology, water relation and sink-source relationship. These lectures include topics of understanding tomato fruit disorder and fruit flavor using the understanding of water relation.

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Urban Ag News proud to feature Dr. Chieri Kubota’s class on Greenhouse Plant Physiology and Technology. Dr. Kubota was a professor at the University of Arizona and has moved to The Ohio State University this summer. Week 7-2: Substrate Over the past six weeks, you became familiar with those aerial environments affecting plant growth (photosynthesis and development) and most importantly their interactions in the canopy. This week, we are going to learn plant root zone environments. Lectures cover plant nutrients, irrigation, and substrates. Plant nutrition could be a full 16-week long college course and so in my lecture I only touch the basic part and the…

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Sydney, Australia – Nectar Farms Headquarters – October 4, 2017 – Nectar Farms, an Australian agri-business, has selected LumiGrow as their lighting partner for its first 40 hectares of greenhouse developments, representing the largest greenhouse installation in the southern hemisphere. LumiGrow will be the exclusive provider of LED lighting systems comprised of both LED hardware and software for the facility growing vine crops and other vegetables in Victoria, Australia. The agri-business aims to transform the Australian farming model by using smart lighting techniques and other advanced technologies. “When considering an effective lighting solution there are a number of variables,” says…

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