What is THE most challenging aspect of operating a successful indoor growing facility? Many people have varying opinions but in the end….it depends. It depends on the experience of your team, the type of monitoring systems that may or may not be employed, depends on the challenge of the day. Public Good Ag is a free resource that is moderated by some of the greatest experts in the indoor growing industry.
The site has been designed specifically for professional growers, addressing questions from lighting to real estate development for indoor growers. This site is for those that may be seasoned growers or new to the industry, be it cultivators of lettuce or cannabis.
Created and developed for those, it depends moments, when an answer may not be at your fingertips. Public Good Ag has been created to help growing of every skill-set find answers when they not be readily available and ultimately to help foster success. The developers of the site are simply curious to know if this is something that will be utilized, will people take advantage of some of the smartest people in the industry to help get their questions answered? Hopefully the answer is yes and not….it depends.
The site is simple, not fancy or complicated but has been created specifically for professional growers.
Check it out today – publicgoodag.com