Hits 106% in less than 24 hours.
Green Sense Farms is one of the first 100 companies to take advantage of the recent change in SEC regulations that allow for Equity Crowdfunding. They launched on Thursday, September 1st and broke records by reaching 106% of their funding goal within 24 hours.
Interested parties can still invest for a limited time:
Crowdfunding regulations require that all investors have equal access to information and the terms of the offering only be conveyed through approved portals, in this case, Start Engine. More details of the campaign, including available shares and investment terms, can be viewed there.
Green Sense Farms is an innovative market leader. In addition to capitalizing on early farming techniques, they are an early adopter of this new financial vehicle, which democratizes the capital markets, cuts out the middleman, and allows them to go directly to the public in order to build a community around their growing brand.
Green Sense Farms focuses on increasing the value of GSF units, preserving investors principal, and generating a return on investment. To achieve this, they have been parsimonious with expenditures, minimized creature comforts at the farm, and have modest compensation model for executives. From our research, competitors, such as Aerofarms and Farmed Here, have invested 5 to 10 times the capital but have accomplished much less. Employing a stair-stepped strategy of increasing the company value and holding equity offering could reward all early shareholders.
Green Sense farms is a mature startup that is now entering an expansion phase. The focus is to build a network of indoor vertical farms at institutional campuses where large volume of meals are sold and at grocery store perishable food distribution centers, in the USA, Canada, Scandinavia and China. Their current pipeline has more than 10 projects in various stages of development and the South Bend Farm is scheduled to break ground later this year. Simultaneously, they are looking to enter the biopharmaceutical market and grow plant proteins that can be synthesized into vaccines and medicines.
Green Sense Farms is flush with opportunities and continues to receive numerous inquiries from prospective investors, partners, and customers. The Equity Crowdfunding offering is an exciting next step to fund their rapid growth and rally the community. Rarely do you get the opportunity to change the world with a new technology that makes society more sustainable.
We encourage you to review the offer yourself and to promote this offering to your network.